• English

Praktické infromace

Konference již proběhla. Záznam z konference ke možné shlédnout online.

Děkujeme za účast! 

Information for participants

All participants presenting at the conference will receive the Zoom link for their panel. You can also join the conference using the information below.

Participants should arrive 15 minutes early to their panel so that we could go through the preparation and get ready for the webinar. The presentation should be no longer than 12 minutes. First, all presenters present their papers, then follow the discussion.

We recommend for presentation to use a laptop or desktop computer (no mobile phones or tablets) and as a stable internet connection as possible (wired).

Please, follow this link to find out how to share a screen to view your presentation on Zoom.

Our cyber conference will be held on Zoom. Please, join it here:​

Meeting ID: 985 0261 6118
Passcode: 862233


Please note, that the meeting room will be active on May 13, 2021, from 9:45 a.m.

Information for guests

Those who are not presenting at the conference, but want to join the conference as a guest have two possibilities:

1) Via Zoom
Those connected to Zoom will have the possibility to take part in the discussion. To join the Zoom meeting follow the information above. Please note, the number of participants to Zoom event is limited to 100. If the capacity exceeds you will be not be allowed to join the meeting.

2) Via Youtube
The conference will be broadcast on Youtube. Broadcasting will start May 13, 2021, at 10 a.m.


We look forward to seeing all of you soon and hear more about your work. Should you have any clarifications, please let us know at aijournalism@fsv.cuni.cz.