• Čeština


The first workshop on "Journalist Work in the Era of Journalism of Artificial Intelligence"

Our team members presented paper called “Journalism Ethics in the Advent of Artificial Intelligence” at a  cyberconference What is Information? organized
Sandra Štefaniková
Featured: Will the use of artificial intelligence (AI), algorithms, and smart machines be the end of journalism as we know it—or
Sandra Štefaniková
New paper The Robotic Reporter in The Czech News Agency: Automated Journalism and Augmentation in the Newsroom  written by our team
Sandra Štefaniková
The Journalism AI report is based on a survey of 71 news organisations in 32 different countries regarding artificial intelligence
Sandra Štefaniková
How does the artificial intelligence effects editors’ work? Will robotic journalists replace their human colleagues? Who do Czech newsrooms use
Charles University, Czech Technical University in Prague and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic joined forces in the
