PhDr. Václav Moravec et PhD (*1974) works at the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague and at the Department of Production at FAMU. He specializes in transformation of audiovisual media, journalistic ethics, automated journalism and artificial intelligence journalism.
He is the author of the monographs Transformations of Journalistic Ethics (2019), Media in Liquid Times (2016) and co-author of the Journal of Journalism: Explanation of Terms and Theory of the Field (2017) and monographs From Microphone to Listeners: Data (2003).
As a journalist, he was working for Czech Radio, private radio stations (e.g. Frequency 1 and Radio Impuls), and the Czech BBC.
He has been working Czech Television in TV discussion programmes Otázky Václava Moravce (since 2004) and Fokus Václava Moravce (since 2015). He has received several national Czech awards for his journalistic work.
Václav Moravec has also been a member of the FAMU Artistic Council (since 2016), member of the Executive Committee of the Artificial Intelligence Initiative PRG.AI (since 2019) and Chairman of the Academic Senate of FSV UK (since 2019).
MORAVEC, Václav, MACKOVÁ, Veronika, SIDO, Jakub, EKŠTEIN, Kamil (2020): The Robotic Reporter in the Czech News Agency: Automated Journalism and Augmentation in the Newsroom. Communication Today, vol. 11, No. 1.
MORAVEC, Václav (2020): Proměny novinářské etiky. Praha: Academia.
MORAVEC, Václav (2016): Média v tekutých časech. Konvergence audiovizuálních médií v ČR. Praha: Academia. 192 s. ISBN 978-80-200-25-72-2.
MORAVEC, Václav (2016): Digitální mediamorfóza jako jedna z povah změny? In: BÁRTA, Miroslav, KOVÁŘ, Martin, FOLTÝN, Otakar a kol. Na rozhraní. Krize a proměny současného světa. Praha: Nakladatelství Vyšehrad, 2016. 352 s. ISBN 978-80-7429-357-3.
MORAVEC Václav, URBÁNIKOVÁ Marína, VOLEK Jaromír (2015): Homogenous, or Heterogenous? A Comparative Analysis of Three Czech Journalists Generations, Communication Today, 2015, r. 6, č. 2, s. 33-49, ISSN 1338-130X.
MORAVEC, Václav (2014): V otroctví (prostředníků) společníků. In: CÍLEK, Václav a kol. Něco se muselo stát. Nová kniha proměn. Praha: Novela Bohemica, 2014. 496 s. ISBN 978-80-87683-36-1.
MORAVEC, Václav, VAŠUTOVÁ, Maria (2013): Emocionalita a socializace. In: VAŠUTOVÁ Maria a kol. Mezi dětstvím a dospělostí. Vybrané kapitoly z psychologie adolescence.
Ostrava: FF Ostravské univerzity.

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