Sandra Štefaniková is a PhD candidate in Media Studies at Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism, FSV UK. The main area of her research is the production, distribution and reception of photojournalistic material. She also conducts media content analyses. In the current project, she studies the impact of the artificial intelligence (AI) on the production of journalistic material, its advantages and limits while being received by the audience, and the possibilities of AI in the production of visual content.
research and Bibliography
2017: LÁB, F., ŠTEFANIKOVÁ, S. Photojournalism in Central Europe. Working and Editorial Practices. Nordicom Review, 38, Special Issue 2 (Photojournalism and Editorial Processes: Global Similarities, Local Differences), pp. 41-55, doi:10.1515/nor-2017-0413
2016: ŠTEFANIKOVÁ, S., LÁB, F. “Just Click, Click and Click!”Photojournalism in Print and Online Czech News Media. In Ebook Ecrea-Conference on Art and Photography in Media Environments. Elektronický sborník z mezinárodní vědecké konference. Lisabon: Lusfóna University Press. (in print)
2016: ŠTEFANIKOVÁ, S., LÁB, F. Transformation of Photojournalism Practice in the Czech Republic in the Age of Digital Technology. Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism. SAGE. DOI: 10.1177/1464884916663622.
2015: LÁB, F., ŠTEFANIKOVÁ, S., TOPINKOVÁ, M. Photojournalism in Central Europe: On Authenticity and Ethics, Changing patterns in journalistic roles and performance in V4 Countries’ (acronym: ROPE).
